We understand that sometimes it’s all about the numbers. In a period of financial challenges for the NHS, innovation has never been more important in terms of finding savings – and yet investment in new ideas can sometimes be perceived as risky.
Because budgets shouldn’t get in the way of good ideas, we have long helped our member Trusts access the funding that’s right for their project. Successful applications for funds are all about understanding the idea, the environment in which it will operate – and the right pot of money to go for. That’s where we can help.
We are able to identify the best sources of funding for a given innovation, and consult on or undertake the necessary application process to access that cash.
Our in-depth understanding of the different funding streams available for innovation development – including funding for proof-of-concept (POC) studies and prototype development – means you won’t head down any blind alleys in your search for funds. We can also use our links with the WMAHSN and Medilink WM to assist with these activities.
As well as highlighting suitable funding streams, however, we can help with the applications themselves – especially in the areas of IP advice and protection and commercialisation strategies – and take some of the burden from your already busy staff.
Finally, we can contribute to, oversee or undertake the management and implementation of successfully funded projects – including the negotiation and drafting of required collaboration agreements and sitting on project management groups, for example. We can form part of any project management structure that is put in place if funding is successful; it is often viewed upon very favourable to have a commercially-minded, innovation and intellectual property organisation on board by funding bodies.
In short, we take funding seriously enough to know how to do it properly. So contact us today to discuss whatever projects you have that would benefit not just from funding – but the know-how needed to secure it.
To learn more about funding please see the Resources page.